"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him." - Isaiah 30:18
If you're anything like me, you've come face to face with situations in life in where, out of faith, you let go of trying to control things and turn them over to God. You may even agree with me that while letting go of our concerns is hard enough, it's even harder for some of us to refrain from taking them back!
We get impatient with God. We want results from Him the same way we expect to get our French fries from a drive-through window!
And, all too often, we want things to develop according to OUR plan, not His.
Perhaps that's why the above verse means so much to me in regard to this spiritual dilemma. It's loaded full of comforting answers and reassurances to the reader. With just a few little words, it reminds us that...
God YEARNS to give us the very best.God is COMPASSIONATE, i.e., He suffers with our pain and understands our hurts.God is FAIR and His justice for our welfare far exceeds just giving us what we want.And out of our patience, encompassed in trust, we obtain that PEACE, which can only be achieved when we see that no matter what, God's got our back!
So the question I must ask myself is this: Am I going to go through this day without any anxiety about the future; fully trusting that God is in control of all things and knowing that He loves me more than I can imagine? Well, so far - so good. But then again, it's only 5:00 a.m.
Thank you, Lord, for your Word that reminds me whose I am and gives me strength to combat the anxiety monster and live peaceably in your arms this day!
Glenn W. Miller
"Thoughts Along the Way"
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