Life is Not Fair

Romans 8:18 NIrV What we are suffering now is nothing compared with our future glory.

Life is not always fair and indeed, many of us have experienced hurt caused by friends. Whether it’s betrayal, false accusations, financial disputes, or spreading rumours, these wounds can run deep.

Offences come from various sources—relatives, spouses, friends, colleagues, and even strangers we encounter on life’s journey.

Vulnerability is an inherent part of living and loving. Even the most virtuous among us will encounter offence at some point. But how we handle it matters greatly. Let’s explore some insights:

  1. Acknowledge the Offense: Denying offence is a common coping mechanism, but it’s not healthy. Instead, acknowledge it. Denial only prolongs the pain and prevents healing.

  2. Response Matters: Consider the example of Jesus in Luke 22:47-65. Despite being innocent, He faced betrayal, denial, and mockery. His response was crucial:

    • Acknowledgement: Jesus recognized the offence (verses 48, 61).
    • Non-Retaliation: He chose not to fight back (verse 51). An eye for an eye perpetuates conflict.
    • Trust in God: Even in the darkest hour, Jesus knew God was in control (verses 52, 53).
  3. Choose Your Response: We can’t control what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond. Denial, justification, self-blame, and resignation are unhealthy coping mechanisms. Instead, acknowledge the offence and take steps toward freedom.

  4. Avoid Revenge: Revenge may tempt us, but it rarely leads to healing. Instead, seek healthier ways to address the hurt.

Remember, acknowledging offence is the first step toward healing and growth. It’s okay to confront the issue rather than deny it. By doing so, we can move toward greater emotional well-being and resilience. 🌟

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