The Church - God's Household

Ephesians 2:19 HCSB [19] So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household

Someone once described a church as a group of porcupines in a snowstorm: 
we need each other to keep warm, but the closer we get, the more we poke each other—and the more uncomfortable we become. 

But of course, it shouldn’t be that way. A church should be a place of warmth and fellowship, a place where even the newest member or latest visitor feels welcome and at home. 
Is this true in your church? 

Simply attending a worship service doesn’t automatically mean closer relationships with others.

If you are an old-timer in your church, go out of your way to welcome visitors and new members. 

And if you are a visitor or new member, make a special effort to get to know people. 
  • What Bible classes are held? 
  • Does a group of people your age meet regularly? 
Don’t depend only on one worship service a week to help you meet people or grow closer to Christ. If this step sounds a little daunting, remember that your best Friend of all—Jesus Christ—will be with you each step of the way.

By Billy Graham 

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