
In her book "A Closer Walk", Catherine Marshall writes: 
"One morning last week, He gave me an assignment - for one day I was to "fast" for a day and not criticise. I was not to criticise anyone about anything. For the first half of the day, I just felt an emptiness, almost as if I had been erased as a person.

This was especially the case at lunch... I listened to the others and kept quiet... No one in our talkative family seemed to notice. Bemused, I realised that my comments were not missed. The federal government, the justice system and the institutional church seemed to be doing just fine without my penetrating observations.

Still, I did not realise until that afternoon what this fast, on criticism was accomplishing. That afternoon, a concrete, positive vision for this life was placed in my mind that bore God's unmistakable hallmark on it - JOY! 

Ideas began to flow in a way I had not experienced in years. Now it was apparent what the Lord wanted me to see. My critical nature had yet to correct any of the multitudinous things I found fault with. What it had done was to stifle my own creativity.

Criticism is a poison that infiltrates friendships, business relationships, and even our families. Like a wrecking ball to a condemned building, our criticism destroys the spirit of those who are scrutinized. It has been said, "A statue has never been set up in honour of a critic." 

The apostle Paul recognized that criticism stings. He faced it throughout his ministry. Maybe it was after hearing criticism of others that he wrote: "Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister." (Romans 14:13)

Why don't you join me in a 'fast' from criticizing others and let's see what our Father teaches us!"

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