The Bullseye

The central message of the Bible is Jesus Christ. 

In Genesis, Jesus is the Seed of the Woman
In Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb. In Leviticus, He is the atoning Sacrifice
In Numbers, the Smitten Rock
In Deuteronomy, the Prophet.
In Joshua, the Captain of the Lord’s hosts. 
In Judges, the Deliverer
In Ruth, the Heavenly Kinsman
In the six books of Kings, the Promised King
In Nehemiah, the Restorer of the nation. 
In Esther, the Advocate
In Job, my Redeemer
In Psalms, my Strength
In Proverbs, my Pattern
In Ecclesiastes, my Goal
In the Song of Solomon, my Satisfier
In the prophets, the coming Prince of Peace
In the gospels, He is the Christ who came to seek and to save
In Acts, He is Christ risen
In the epistles, He is Christ exalted
In Revelation, He is Christ returning and reigning. 

The message of the Bible is the story of salvation through Jesus—and the whole world needs to know this story. 

Whom will you tell today?

By Billy Graham 

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Abi said…
Absolutely Powerful reminder ❤️🙏 Thank you for sharing ❤️✔️👑🙌🔥❤️